The drinking water reservoirs are the best alternative in places where the supply can be interrupted or scarce. Made of synthetic materials and with different shapes, sizes and capacities, they undoubtedly represent an ideal solution for the hydraulic installations of the home to complement each other. Depending on the water supply network, the tank acts as an alternative to any problem and allows access to the liquid at any time.
If the drinking water tank is buried, there is no problem, but if you are going to choose an outdoor one, either on the floor or in a higher area, you must consider how many people live in the home to define its capacity, in addition to the space that you have for placement.
We can have a base: from one to two people in the house, with a total area of 100 to 200 square meters, the deposit can be 5,000 liters. From three to five people and a total area of 200 to 400 square meters, the tank could be 10,000 liters.
What Are The Objectives Of A Drinking Water Tank?
The objectives are various, as we have commented previously, but we can summarize them in the following two:
Water Storage To Face Shortages
In this aspect those that our deposits have come into play.
Easily Access The Water
Without interruptions and solving the problems of the supply cut.
Avoid Wasting Water
When brushing your teeth or shaving, close the tap; it can be opened again when you go to rinse your mouth or face.
At bath time, try to spend less time with the shower running, you can turn off the water during soaping.
Beware of water leaks in the home. A 2mm hole in the pipe will let out 3,200 liters of water per day.
Replace high-pressure showers with normal showers to save water.
Substitute a water hose for buckets of the specific size to wash the car.
The simple fact of opening a tap and finding a crystalline jet of water makes us naturalize a process that has different elements that are essential to enjoy a good shower, wash dishes, and much more. One of them, the fundamental one, is the reservoir where the water is stored, which the pipes will then take to every corner of the home. Learning how to install a water tank at home requires some skills that are worth knowing, either to place it yourself or to control that they do it accordingly.
The first thing to know is that it is a “container” that is used to store drinking water that will then go to each tap in the home. These can be directly fed (from the urban drinking water network), or they can receive the water from a cistern tank located at or below the surface level, which receives direct water from the network) and sends the water through of a bomb.
They are the cheapest and lightest and require very little maintenance. These are widely used and are resistant to rust and corrosion. Also, contrary to what happened a few years ago, they take a long time to degrade.
Stainless Steel
They are increasingly common, are considered long-lasting, and are environmentally friendly. They do not give off a “plastic” taste in water like those made from polyethylene and they do not degrade in sunlight.
Bacteria, fungi, and algae growth are common in other types of water tanks, but not stainless steel. The main disadvantage may be the price compared to plastic and fiberglass types.