The industrial sector of food and beverages represents an annual consumption of around 22% of the total water and within this sector is included that of soft drinks.
This type of industry basically prepares and bottles the beverages according to very demanding quality protocols, which entail a high consumption of process and service water, in addition to the water itself that the products contain as the main component.
To achieve these advances, the technologies of the process equipment and ancillary services have been optimized, thereby increasing their performance and reducing water and energy consumption (CIP, sugar dilution, pasters, mixers, bottling lines, washing machines… etc.), and, in addition, controls and investments have been made in the factories that have made it possible to obtain notable improvements and savings.
The Systems Most Used To Achieve These Objectives Have Basically Been The Following:
- Provision of water meters at the different points of consumption for a correct evaluation and control.
- Optimization of cold CIP processes to reduce water and energy consumption, recovery of cleaning reagents, and NaOH.
- Substitution of bottling chain sliders with less polluting ones.
- Recirculation of some washes of the water treatment plants and optimization/replacement of purification systems.
- Recirculation of pasteurization water and other factory processes.
- Partial reuse of treated effluents for service waters.
- Rationalization of drinking and service water consumption.
Reuse Of Effluents In A Refreshing Beverage Bottler
Although each soft drink factory can bottle different products, and the make-up water can have different origins (surface, well, and network), there are a series of common processes in their manufacturing lines, which allow us to generalize a basic scheme in relation to the consumption of water of different quality (washing, services, process … etc.). Scheme 1 is attached in the annexes, which sets out the three usual sources of supply water and the treatments to which this water is subjected to make it reach the parameters required by manufacturers in their production processes.
Effluent Treatment Plants
The discharges that are not recovered are sent to an effluent treatment plant that will purify them to reach the limits required by the Water Law at the point of discharge, depending on whether it is a public domain (river, swamp … etc. ) or from a collector that takes them to a general treatment plant.
As is known, the dimensioning of the Treatment Plant (WWTP) is directly related to the flow, but both the energy consumption, the volume of the biological oxidation ponds, and the production of sludge, basically depend on the organic load (COD ).
Digitization In The Water Cycle
To enable the water industry to take full advantage of digitization, Siemens developed the Digital Enterprise, a comprehensive portfolio of software and automation solutions. By processing all available data in a complete data model, the full potential of all systems can be optimally exploited. The result is a digital twin: an accurate, virtual model of the plant that is always up to date.
Benefits for plants
In industry, agriculture, and municipal services. A precondition is the end-to-end networking of systems engineering, from commissioning to operation, maintenance, and optimization of ongoing processes based on a data platform, a fusion of the virtual worlds. and real.
Improving the quality and availability of data reduces project execution time in the real world.
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